Instructions for Authors
- Call for Papers
International Journal of Digital Media Design (IJDMD) is now accepting submissions. Manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so we encourage active participation in the submission process.- All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process, involving both domestic and international expert scholars. Submissions in both English and Chinese languages are welcome.
- We welcome papers addressing topics related to digital media design, including technology, theory, techniques, cultural aspects, educational research, and artistic discourse.
- IJDMD publishes two issues per year, scheduled for June and December, respectively.
- Publication Fee Explanation
The International Journal of Digital Media Design (IJDMD) follows a rolling submission and review process. Upon successful completion of the double-blind review, authors are required to pay a publication fee of 5,000 NTD.
If the author becomes a member of our society, the 5,000 NTD fee will include the annual membership fee of 2,000 NTD and the publication fee of 3,000 NTD. Additionally, as a token of appreciation, two printed copies of the journal for the current year will be provided to the author.- To pay the review fee, please remit the submission fee to the following account:
- Account Name: Taiwan Society of Digital Media Design.
- Account Number: 03 1001 12305 8 (Douliu Branch, Bank of Taiwan).
- Bank Code: 004.
- When making the remittance, please specify the department and purpose for easy identification, for example, "ABC University_ Department of XYZ_ John Doe_ Review Fee."
The receipt for the review fee can be reimbursed under the Miscellaneous Expense category of the National Science Council's project budget.
- To pay the review fee, please remit the submission fee to the following account:
- Thesis Formatting Instructions:
For Chinese submissions, please adhere to the original format as presented in 【IJDMDtemplate_big5】.
For English submissions, please follow the original format as presented in【IJDMDtemplate_en】. - Data Download
- If you wish to submit to this journal, please refer to the attached files for submission guidelines and formatting.
Chinese Thesis Format Template: 【IJDMDtemplate_big5】
English Thesis Format Template: 【IJDMDtemplate_en】 - Submission is conducted through the Huayi Online System. Please use the following link:
- If you wish to submit to this journal, please refer to the attached files for submission guidelines and formatting.